
Happy New Year Everybody!!!

Here comes 2011..New year new life new adventure new experience new spirit! more laughter and happiness..

New Year at Clarke Quay, Singapore 01.01.2011


Simple but delicious

From Sky Thai, a fast food chain found in most malls. You can pick your own dish combo. For budget travelers, this is quite a decent meal.

The meat was soft and the different spices blended just nice. okay am getting hungry now...

Cha Siew/Siew Yuk Fan (bbq pork & roasted pork with rice) & Dumpling Soup

 I like the roast pork better compared to the bbq one. It's more tasty especially the pork skin
My favorite, dumpling with pork & shrimp filling. It is juicy and the shrimp is crunchy.

Nasi Briyani with Mutton

Ate at a Hawker Center nearby Potong Pasir mrt. Mutton was not bad, the rice was good and I also bought indian fried doughnut which i missed to take a pic. That one was the best, eaten with curry..yumm
The dish came with rice crackers..

The color mix was great i think, very earthy. yellow mustard, green, brown and orangy red

Did u see the staranise? interesting hey..

Story of my life

I made a big decision to find my true calling. I quit my job and decided to move to Singapore to look for a new adventure, the next chapter of my life journey..a journey to the jungle where i don’t know what lies ahead. I will just follow where life will take me. It isn’t without risks but I am prepared. The past several days were not so bad. Explored a few places and got to eat different dishes. So this is what I’m going to share…My budget food tour during my stay, mostly under SG$ 10 :D